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Group Therapy

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Women’s Support Group is a weekly support group for female betrayed and traumatized partners and spouses of sex and porn addicts. The name is inspired by the Phoenix bird rising from deep wounds.

A women’s 8 week support group for Betrayed Partners and Spouses.

$45 per session
Wednesday 5:30-7pm
Starting September 7th

Group Description:
Closed group that includes process work, exercises, and activities specifically designed for partner’s betrayal trauma healing. There is a 15 minute pre group assessment at no charge prior to being admitted to this group and will be scheduled on Fridays between 11am- 1pm.

For more info:
Michelle McKay


Support. Outreach. Acceptance. Psychotherapy.

16 Week Group Therapy Program
Only 8 Spots Available
$45 per session

Monday 10-11:30 am

Group Description:
The S.O.A.P Box is a 16 week group therapy program for autistic people ages 18-26. Group topics include special interests, collaborative decision making, assertiveness, and advocacy.

For more info:

Autism Support Group

For parents of children newly diagnosed with Autism

8 week support group
$45 per session

Day and Time TBD

Group Description:
Autism Support group for parents or guardians of children newly diagnosed withautism. This group is an 8 week support group that can help you connect with agroup of people like yourself and learn about the intricacies of ASD.

For more info:

Grief Psycho-Educational / Process Group

If you are stuck in the grieving process and need some understanding or education about it this is the group for you.

8 week psycho-educational process group
$45 per session

Wednesday 5:30-7pm

Group Description:
There are many losses in life that affect us greatly including loss of a loved one, covid related losses, loss of job/home/pets. This psycho-educational/process group will help you understand your grief process and educate you on grief’s various stages and aspects.

For more info:

Disordered Eating Support

Food and body image issues affecting your daily life. Do you struggle with the way you look and feel in your body? Eating too much, not enough, purging or over-exercising to control your weight or cope with uncomfortable feelings

8-week support group
$45 per session

Day and Time TBD

Group Description:
This group will help you learn healthy coping skills to use when triggered by uncomfortable feelings instead of taking them out on your body by addressing disordered eating and body image issues.

For more info:

LGBTQ+ Support Group

8 week support group
$45 per session

Day and Time TBD

Group Description:
A safe place to process, learn and create community.

For more info:

Veterans Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Processing and Support Group

8-week support group
$45 per session

Day and Time TBD

Group Description:
This is a female-only closed group for veterans that have experienced MSD. Provides healing through three key elements. Support, Skills Development, and Trauma Processing.

For more info: